Financial wellness for your family

Make financial wellness part of your ongoing plan and create more opportunities for your family to thrive, generation to generation.

Why is financial wellness important?

What you do with your money today will help lay the foundation for the future.

Financial wellness looks at educating the entire family, assessing shared and individual values and building out a plan that can adapt as life and goals change.

Guide your family’s wealth and wellness

Integrating financial wellness with your wealth is an active, ongoing process for you and your family, aligning unique values and goals towards an optimal financial future. We can help you get started.


Financial empowerment sets you and your loved ones up for success. Understanding how money works, such as how it’s earned, spent, invested and managed, can boost everyone’s peace of mind when it comes to family finances – especially the next generation.


Shared values help shape and guide a family’s financial future. Your family values define your legacy and provide ongoing guidance for effective decision-making. This understanding may also support conversations about shared assets – no matter where family members live.


Combine what matters with the know-how to help your family thrive. A tailored plan aligns with your family’s values and includes strategies and solutions to help manage your family’s wealth – with the flexibility to change as their needs and goals do.

Let us guide you

Create your ideal financial future with help from an RBC Wealth Management financial advisor.

Five ways to help your children map out their financial future

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– Five ways to help your children map out their financial future

Philanthropy in Asia: Emerging trends and giving strategies

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– Philanthropy in Asia: Emerging trends and giving strategies

Three tips for succession planning: How to start the conversation with your family

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– Three tips for succession planning: How to start the conversation with your family