Q1 results have brought a mix of highlights and lowlights. We examine these opposing forces, how the Magnificent 7 narrative may change in coming quarters, and how to calibrate equity exposure in this unique period.
May 9, 2024
Kelly Bogdanova Vice President, Portfolio AnalystPortfolio Advisory Group – U.S.
The setup heading into Q1 earnings season was tough.
The S&P 500 had mounted one of the best two-quarter rallies in history. Optimism among industry analysts prevailed. The Q1 consensus forecast hadn’t drifted down as much as it normally does in the weeks preceding the reporting season.
This raised the bar for S&P 500 companies and left the index vulnerable to a pullback if high-profile firms stumbled.
Right out of the gate, that’s exactly what happened. The market sold off following JPMorgan Chase’s less-than-perfect earnings report.
This misstep, combined with messy inflation data, a jump in Treasury yields, and a shift in Fed rate cut expectations, pulled the S&P 500 down 5.5 percent from its all-time high.
But since the latter part of April, the U.S. equity market has bounced back as the earnings and revenue growth pictures brightened and Treasury yields settled down.
With 91 percent of S&P 500 companies having reported Q1 results thus far, there have been some notable highlights:
The line chart shows S&P 500 quarterly year-over-year earnings per share (EPS) and revenue growth from Q1 2022 Q1 2024 (as of May 9, 2024). Revenue growth exceeded EPS growth from Q1 2022 through Q2 2023. In Q3 2023, EPS growth rose sharply and began to exceed revenue growth. The data are as follows: Q1 2022, EPS 9.0%, revenue 13.1%; Q2 2022, EPS 8.0%, revenue 13.7%; Q3 2022, EPS 4.6%, revenue 11.3%; Q4 2022, EPS -2.4%, revenue 5.6%; Q1 2023, EPS -3.1%, revenue 4.5%; Q2 2023, EPS -5.8%, revenue 1.1%; Q3 2023, EPS 4.5%, revenue 2.1%; Q4 2023, EPS 8.2%, revenue 4.1%; Q1 2024, EPS 7.1%, revenue 4.2%.
*Q1 2024 reported results as of 5/9/24, subject to change.
Source – RBC Wealth Management, Bloomberg Intelligence
The Q1 earnings season has also included some lowlights:
Later this year and next, the Mag 7 narrative could shift.
Mag 7 earnings growth is forecast to decline meaningfully from 2023 to 2025. This is due to difficult year-over-year comparisons and the law of large numbers. The bigger and more mature a company gets, the harder it is to deliver dramatic earnings growth year after year.
The bar chart shows annual earnings per share (EPS) growth for Magnificent 7 stocks in 2023 and consensus forecasts for 2024 and 2025. In 2023, growth was 34.6%. In 2024, the consensus forecast is 25.2% growth. In 2025, the consensus forecast is 16.5% growth.
Note: 2023 actual data, 2024 and 2025 consensus estimates. * Magnificent 7 stocks are Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon.com, NVIDIA, Tesla, and Meta Platforms.
Source – RBC Wealth Management, Bloomberg Intelligence; data as of 5/3/24
At the same time, earnings growth for non-Mag 7 stocks is expected to rise. If this plays out, we believe the Mag 7’s advantage should fade.
The bar chart compares annual earnings per share (EPS) growth for the S&P 500 and the S&P 500 excluding the Magnificent 7 stocks in 2023 and consensus forecasts for 2024 and 2025. In 2023, S&P 500 EPS growth 1.0%, S&P 500 excluding the Magnificent 7 -4.4%. The 2024 consensus forecast is S&P 500 9.6% and S&P 500 excluding the Magnificent 7 6.0%. The 2025 consensus forecast is S&P 500 13.5% and S&P 500 excluding the Magnificent 7 12.7%.
Note: 2023 actual data, 2024 and 2025 consensus estimates.
We think forecasts for the non-Mag 7 stocks are highly dependent on economic trends.
If GDP growth decelerates meaningfully later this year, non-Mag 7 stocks and the U.S. equity market as a whole could run into some bumpy patches again.
The consensus forecast for U.S. GDP growth is 2.4 percent in 2024 and 1.7 percent in 2025. Historically, annual GDP growth above 2.0 percent tends to correspond to above-average S&P 500 gains, according to a study by RBC Capital Markets U.S. Equity Strategy. However, when GDP was within a more sluggish 0.1 percent to 2.0 percent zone, the equity market often declined.
On one hand, we see further upside potential for the S&P 500 due to favourable consensus earnings growth forecasts for the index and most sectors. Yet we think portfolio exposure should factor in economic risks that stem from today’s unique period. The U.S. economy is still adjusting to the Fed’s aggressive rate hike cycle that followed significant pandemic-related stimulus.
We recommend maintaining Market Weight exposure to U.S. equities in order to balance the risks against the potential that the economy and S&P 500 earnings could prove to be resilient.
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