RBC Wealth Management Asia Online Services

At RBC Wealth Management, we are offering you the convenience of accessing your Royal Bank of Canada, Singapore Branch and Hong Kong Branch accounts via our Online Services facility. This facility gives you instant access to an overview of your portfolio(s), account(s) positions and movements. You will be able to access your information expeditiously at any time of the day, in any location around the world, leaving you more time to do the things that really matter.

Stay connected with us by simply downloading the application form(s) for your Branch(es) via the link(s) below to enrol for our Online Services. On completion of your form, kindly submit it to your Relationship Manager who will then arrange for your application for the Online Services to be processed. Further correspondence will be sent to you to help you through the process of activating your Online Services account. We hope that you have a pleasant experience using our Online Services.

RBC Singapore Branch

RBC Hong Kong Branch

Deposit protection scheme member

User Guide

Video Tutorials

Activating RBC Secure (2FA)

Transferring RBC Secure between devices