Fixed income


Take a new look at your investments with an experienced team. Make informed choices to help add stability to your portfolio.

Your plans to prepare for retirement, live well in retirement or sell your business may give you a more cautious approach to risk. Which investments best align with your plans? Are tax-advantaged options a solution for you?

Clients often choose a fixed income investing approach because of the stability and possible tax benefits these investments may provide a portfolio in retirement.

At RBC Wealth Management, you have a team of knowledgeable professionals working with your financial advisor on your fixed income investing approach. We provide you with an extensive, competitive selection of fixed income investments, customized to address your unique needs and goals.

Your Fixed Income Advantage

At RBC Wealth Management, you benefit from the direct access your financial advisor has to fixed income traders and strategists. This team of fixed income professionals provides your financial advisor with in-depth market and portfolio analysis, portfolio proposals and credit assessments across the fixed income product spectrum on a daily basis. Your financial advisor is able to meet your portfolio needs, thanks to the fixed income team providing timely information on market developments and opportunities.

Through your financial advisor, you also have access to our portfolio analysis tools. This suite of reports summarizes your fixed income portfolio, illustrate the advantages of a trade on your overall performance and provide you with scenario analysis of how your investments may react to interest rate changes over time.

Retirement planning

Fixed income investments help to reduce risk and may be tax-advantaged, making them a popular choice for people preparing for and living in retirement. Your financial advisor can incorporate fixed income solutions—both taxable and municipal—into your portfolio to help build and support your wealth through your retirement years.

These products include:

  • Municipal and corporate bonds
  • Certificates of deposit
  • Treasuries and agencies
  • Mortgage-backed securities
  • Preferred stock
  • Structured investments
  • Unit Investment Trusts

By working with the Fixed Income Advantage at RBC Wealth Management, your financial advisor is aware of changes in fixed income positions affecting your portfolio. This helps them determine that your portfolio continues to meet your financial goals.

Take advantage of our wide-ranging fixed income experience to support your retirement investing strategy.

Help build and support your wealth

Meet with an RBC Wealth Management financial advisor to learn more about the Fixed Income Advantage.

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