Cybersecurity: How RBC keeps you safe

How RBC Wealth Management keeps you safe

A top priority for RBC Wealth Management is protecting the security of information we have about you. Our cybersecurity team is dedicated to maintaining security safeguards to protect you and allow you to have access to our services without interruption. 

Our commitment to clients

We continue to invest in and evolve our cyber capabilities to keep pace with the threat and regulatory landscape, and enhance them across the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework, which has increased our ability to protect our clients as well as our business. We align our programs and activities with the NIST framework, which includes capabilities to identify, protect, detect, respond to and recover from cyber threats. Additionally, we focused on three objectives in relation to cyber security: talent recruitment and awareness, strategic partnerships and academia, and cross-functional collaboration in cyber-threat management.

RBC Wealth Management’s cybersecurity strategy

Across the globe, the volume and sophistication of cyberattacks continue to increase and could result in business interruptions, service disruptions, theft of intellectual property and confidential information, litigation and reputational damage. We continue to enhance our security capabilities, educate our clients and workforce and deepen our external relationships so our cyber defenses remain effective in thwarting the threats that are targeting the financial sector.

We continue to be vigilant and invest in cybersecurity due to several factors, including an increase in the sophistication of external attacks, the adoption of new technologies (machine learning, cloud, etc.), a growing complexity in third-party ecosystem management and increasing regulatory pressure around the globe. We continue to develop our cyber defense capabilities in an effort to support our business models, protect RBC Wealth Management and our clients, and enhance the client experience globally. We achieve this through continued investment in cyber technologies, driving the education and awareness of our clients and workforce, and leveraging emerging technologies.

Protecting your information goes far beyond protecting client financial activities at RBC Wealth Management—comprehensive processes exist, so day-to-day business is done with security top of mind, including:

  • Development and retention of world class, dedicated, highly trained security teams
  • Deployment of evolving authentication methods—biometrics, behavioral, risk-based
  • Use of multi-layered technology
  • Encryption of information at all tiers of architecture—at rest, in motion, through transactions and communications

We believe cybersecurity is a critical component of success and of the trust we’ve built with you, which is why we make it a priority to invest in the necessary resources and tools to protect you and your information.

Our fraud and scam recovery guide provides guidance on recovering from fraud, scams and identity theft. Let’s work together to help reduce your risk and give you peace of mind.